
Vox 28: Elbow on “Desert Island Discourse”

“Desert Island Discourse” is talking to yourself in your head. This helps people be most themselves, and it leads to very voice-ful writing, and a kind of solid, rich centered but unrigid sense of identity. In contrast, collaborative writing makes it harder for people to use their “gut voice”–or “personal voice” or “personally connected voice. …

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Vox 26 – Elbow on Voice in Writing

Semiotician Ferdinand Saussure discusses the “natural bond, the only true bond” between sound and sense (46). This natural bond is what magic produces, i.e. a magical bond. We see this connection between sound and body in songs, lyrics, poetry, and spells. Derrida says “this natural relationship would have been inverted by the original sin of …

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Vox 25 – Sign Breathes Life into Words

Oliver Sacks describes that there is more voice in the signing of the hearing impaired. Sacks spends most of his time demonstrating that sign is not at all a pantomime language, but a “fully formalized and grammaticized” (122), left-hemisphere language. That said, “One has only to watch two people signing to see that signing has …

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